And the works of righteousness shall be peace, and the effects of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever. Isaiah 32:17
It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord. Lamentations 3:26
In the past few days, I have been searching for the quietness....its easy to miss when you are busy or surrounded by things going on, on the bus...but I have found that when we take the time to stop and be aware of God's presence, to thank Him and praise Him for what He has done, and see His hand at work around us, even on the bus with the really loud Spanish movies, in the middle of the markets, or in conversation....I find peace, calm and quietness in the presence of my Saviour. So wait on the Lord, and look to Him to fill your longings and desires and you will have quietness and peace forever, in your heart and life before God.
It was a pretty quiet ride, besides one persistent man, who asked for Natasha's email and last name....but then we managed to talk about every random thing under the sun, so he would think we were busy! So after 2 hours we arrived on the very edge of Quito then hopped on the trole, then another, then for the last leg we decided to take a taxi, instead of the bus! So we finally made it home at 1 pm. I have to say it is great to be in Quito again! and it feels even better to be back home! So we spent the afternoon, relaxing, unpacking, doing laundry, packing.....
We had a huge thunderstorm! So all our laundry had to be brought in to dry inside....But it was rather relaxing to be inside and hear all the rain.....
We have seen some amazing things, brick makers, saw mills, 2 saddled horses in the back of a little pick-up! One thing I have really come to appreciate about Ecuador is how they do what they must to survive, without concern of what it looks like on the outside. They are practical, and unconcerned about that someone else might think if I am walking down the street with a blanket over my head to block out the sun. Unconcerned about what someone might think if I have to push this crate down the street or push this cart filled with items to sell. It has been rather amazing and humbling as I see how my own pride gets in the way so often!
Tomorrow we will be setting out after church to stay with one of the tias for a few days. So there will be no blog posts until Wednesday! I'm sure they will be sorely missed! :)
I can't believe how fast the time has flown by! I have one month left in Ecuador.....
We will miss it. Thanks for the reminder an quietness. Life does seem to take us away all to often. Be still and know that I am God. Psalms 46:10