Friday, May 9, 2014

From Start to Finish

Well I decided it was time to read my blog from start to finish....

    1.   To remind myself of things I may have forgotten
    2.   I thought it might help me as I continue settling back into life, which has been much harder than I had expected.
   3.    I miss everyone so much and I want to walk down the journey again.
   4.    Why not? I put a lot of time and work into it, I plan to read it many times!

I was so amazed as I started reading, I remember each day preparing for my trip! I remember the circumstances and what God was doing in my life. What a fresh reminder!

    I was so excited! I was so ready! I knew exactly what God had for me!

As I read about each day, I can remember it so seems like yesterday! Did it really happen half a year ago already? Its so exciting to remember all the little things...but most of all to remember what God was doing in my heart.

This time I get to see
      1. How I slowly became best friends with Natasha
      2. How and When I fell in love with the precious little ones
      3. When we became such wonderful friends with the tias
      4. How much each person I met there impacted me

I love looking back and being reminded of God's faithfulness, all the lessons He taught me there and what a blessing to look back and be reminded.

I can remember the joys and triumphs, and the sorrows and heartache's. The embarrassing moments and the teachable moments.

As I read through these blog posts and see all the spelling errors, I have to laugh! Why didn't I see some of these as I was typing?? I guess I was just caught up in the memories and trying to put them on paper...and most of the time I was hurrying so I could get to bed...and well....English was never my strong point in school. But I'm thankful that God can be glorified even through our mistakes.

I find myself laughing and my jaw dropping open at times thinking...I forgot about that! Even now I'm wishing I had a can of espuma and was standing on Natasha's doorstep!


Well I started this blog post over half a year ago, but decided I would share it with you anyway. I have so enjoyed reading my blog, each day brings me right back to all the memories and exactly how it felt to be there. It was an amazing and life changing journey. I can't believe it has now been over a year since I was in Ecuador. In some way's it seems like yesterday and in other way's it seems longer. All I know is it was one of the most worth while things I have ever done! I'm so thankful that God took me there and allowed me to experience life there. But I'm also thankful for this past year and its ups and downs as God continues to take me on this journey of faith.

This past year has been a busy one! My family is still working on adopting (I'm sure there will be more on that later), I have completed my Freshmen year at Liberty University Online, God blessed me with a wonderful job at the local hospital working as a CNA (which I love!!), I totaled my car and bought one pretty much exactly like it (if you didn't know, you wouldn't be able to tell I am driving a different one!), we have had two beautiful nieces born into the family and I'm sure there is more they just won't enter my brain right now.....

So yes, I have been very busy, thus no blog posts but I am hoping to be able to write a bit at least over the summer.. God bless you all and again thank you to everyone who has been apart of life and part of my continued journey of faith.

Abortion at it's best!

The fight for life goes on....

Yes, I have been reading blog posts and felt compelled to share them with you.

The best way for your heart to be broken over the lost lives is to see it and share in the horror they experience. Please take the time to read these and share! But most of all continue to pray that the slaughtering of life will cease.

This is my positive abortion story! | The Matt Walsh Blog

Making the Tragedy of Abortion Personal - Abort

19 facts about abortion in America