This morning we ventured off to Maria Campi, I was quite pleased! I got us there! :) Yah, I think Sebastian was a little worried....
But we made it and we made it in the gate...which is always a plus! I think it was because they recognized me, but Sebastian thinks its because he is Ecuadorian and actually has a real ID and not a photocopy of a passport..but we all know that its because they know me!
It was just amazing to see these children again, I haven't seen them for two weeks. So first off I helped brush teeth, then help round up children to watch a was a full time job, breaking up fights, sitting children down, and tying shoes...then when they all got a piece of candy I was chasing down candy wrappers as they carry them around and chew on them...I think I got them all in the garbage!
It was exciting to see that they got all new beds, cribs and dining room chairs and tables! These were desperately needed!
Then we went outside to have a snack and we spent our time kicking the "soccer" ball, breaking up fights on the trampoline, pushing swings, tottering the teeter-totter, drying tears, chasing children, and I hunted down all the popped balloon pieces that children were chewing on...I would like to know who would bring a bunch of balloons to an orphanage???
Its always heartbreaking to see the temper tantrums crying fits or bullying of these children. They just want attention...they just need someone to be their family. But most of these children will never be adopted, because of paperwork.... They have made a system so complicated, complex and expensive...that children sit there for year and years...until its to late....they become adults with only a background of institution upbringing.
But God is their father...and He can use bits and pieces in these childrens lives in the future that can make a difference...
Its still amazing to me to think that I am really in Ecuador with orphans...but then I remember that my time is growing short and I only have one more day, next week with these precious little ones..
Lunch was wild as usual! 21 children in one room is always busy, but they had 1 tia today! She was amazing, but that amazingness gets spread pretty we served food, fed bites, sat children back down, rescued stolen plates, and tried to keep the the end almost everyone had eaten their food and they were laid down for a nap...ohhhh sigh
Sometimes the hardest things in life and the most rewarding and most worth it!
I always love the interaction with the children, even though it is hard, painful and heartbreaking, it is so rewarding! These children are so precious! It was really neat to watch them interact with Sebastian, they are not around a lot of guys, so they really respected him and loved his attention..could be because he is not a foreigner and speaks their language..but he cared enough to be there and thats what they need.
Its as if they are screaming out...what about us? what about me? can I have a family? I need a family! I will cause heartache and pain...I will act out as you try to love me, we will have major problems to work through...I will make you wonder what you have gotten into. But it will be worth it because you will be my family, I will be your child and thats what we both need...
What do you do when you can only do so much? I can't solve the problems, I can't put them all in homes, in two short weeks I have to leave...I can only do what I can in Jesus name and pray that He will grant an increase. Any good done, is what He has done.
Back at home this afternoon I didn't have to open the seems someone left the little door open and then opened the whole gate...the little door is not suppose to open that went behind the motor! yikes! Tonight when I came home the whole gate was sitting open, I think its waiting to be fixed....
So I stopped by the baby house and of course I got put straight to work! So about 5 bottles later...a tia came back with three of the children from the hospital. Almost all the babies are sick but these little ones spiked high fevers this afternoon...they were thankful they didn't have to stay in the hospital.
This little ladies fever has gone down but is still pretty warm and miserable!
This little guy has pneumonia he has a high fever and is very sick! I was giving him some medicine this evening and he kept vomiting and choking...we finally got it down along with half a bottle of milk and he fell asleep.
This little guy also has pneumonia, a fever and is very sick!
Please keep these little ones and the tias in prayer as they take care of them tonight! Its not an easy responsibilty to have! We had them all sleeping before we left tonight...
But the evening wasn't over yet, I had a package waiting for me!! I have been waiting half the time I have been here for this thing! I'm so sad that Natasha is not here to share it with would have greatly appreciated the water bottle... ;) no more leaking water in my purse!!
So we had some fudge from Hayward, WI for dessert tonight! I was able to share some with the tias too..they loved it! I have to find people to share it with because there is no way I can eat all this in two weeks! Thank you so much everyone that helped put this package together! Fudge, chocolates, trail mix, chex mix, m&m's, peanut butter m&m's, butterfingers, dried blueberries a fancy chocolate bar...(I can't remember what its called but it will be amazing!) I am so very blessed, loved and encouraged! God bless you all!
Keep your heart with all diligence: for out of it are the issues of life. Proverbs 4:23
As I have been thinking and pondering over this verse the past couple of day's I have been realizing more and more ways that this verse is true... Everything we say and do is ultimately an outpouring of our hearts. Man, does mine ever need some work! Make me more and more like you Jesus! I know its going to hurt, its going to take time, and its going to take heartache but thank you God. It is only because you love me, that you will do this.
Yeah for your box getting there!