Thursday, July 3, 2014

Getting closer....

With great rejoicing, anticipation and thankfulness we announce that our family has been officially assigned to adopt Miss A! The road is not over yet, but we are yet one step closer to bringing this little girl into our lives.

I speak for us all when we say we are so excited to make this little girl part of our family, but I think through this long, heartbreaking process God has taught us to simply see the joy in the journey..... Our crowing joy won't be the day we all meet her and hold her, nor the day she shares our last name, not even the day she come's home..... but we are trusting God that one day we will look back and be able to see how God slowly and carefully took the life of a little girl and redeemed it through the love of a family that He had been preparing for her.

So today we simply say thank you God for this journey and path you have brought us on, because you have done so much in our live and we know that you are not done yet.......

So please continue to pray with us and for us as we start making plans to be in Ecuador, as the details are worked out and as this little girl will soon be introduced to our family through pictures and videos. These may all seem like more little details in this whole process but they are HUGE and we pray that God will be in each one.

It is both scary and exhilarating as we keep moving forward on this journey, from buying clothes and things for Miss A, answering the questions our small nephews, looking forward to what is ahead and enjoying the days that we have left before our family grows.

I'm going to steal from my own Facebook post here....

I can not wait to hold this little girl again and call her sister! Its so exciting to see God working and we are so excited to see what God has in store for her and our family. She will soon become the 9th and youngest Velie child, the 1st adopted sibling and our family will become multi-racial. Praise the Lord!