Thursday, February 28, 2013

Another full day of adventure, children and exciting Ecuadorian happenings!!

Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice; let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning. Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is redemption. And He shall redeem Israel from all His iniquities. Psalm 130:1-8

This morning I woke up marveling in the Lord, His Mercy, His Goodness, His Faithfulness, His Love, His Truth, everything I have is a gift from Him, my Salvation, my Family, my Provisions, even the Food I eat! How Marvelous is My God. Who can Know Him? He is Past Finding Out!
Well Natasha and I left our laundry on the line hasn't rained in almost two weeks! But it rained..... of course! Whenever we do laundry it rains!

We were having all kinds of fun this morning! He was keeping the beat to our sit-ups! Keeping us on time!

This is my Spanish professor, she was writing down some words for me!

Our chill little boy.....

This is the look I get on my face when Natasha tells me words in Spanish! huh???

This morning our landlady asked us for the wheelbarrow the orphanage had borrowed so we ran down to find it! Then as we were pushing it out the gate, the guard asked me if I was going to ride in it while Natasha pushed? I was quite convinced Natasha couldn't push me! But I hopped in anyway and much to my joy and fear for my life she started pushing me down the street! So she pushed me half way home then we swapped and pushed her the rest of the way! :) Then when we got home we seen a Indigenous with a baby tied to her back carrying a ladder around the house....I'm not sure what she was going to do but I'm quite sure she was going to do it with that baby on her back! Now that's a real women!

Later in the morning a school group came to help out at the orphanage so we decided to go run some errands...I wanted to take my sandal that broke on Sunday to get repaired. So we started out our excursion with less than $1 change, we asked the guard if it was safe to walk but he said, we could get robbed if we are carrying anything of, credit cards, money.... we had all of the above! So we decided to try a taxi and the driver said he had change for $ as we are driving he is honking at every bus and taxi driver trying to get change, really? Nobody would help him out. So we get there and he gives me $17 in coins!

We got there just as the mall was opening and this line for the bank was already piled up behind Natasha!

 So we headed in to do some shoe shopping.....well all the shoes are so expensive! We even tried Payless and the shoes were almost 2x more expensive than they are in the States! In the store they have random brands, so we would find a lot of Old Navy, Holister and Aeropostale clothes in the stores but they would be so expensive! we found an Old Navy shirt for over $30!!

$130 for a pair of Crocs! So I dropped off my sandal to be fixed for $3!

 After we did are other shopping and errands at the mall we decided to try a couple of out of the way stores, but we had to walk to get there (not always safe)....the first one went great! They had so much stuff in the store! I bought two pairs of flipflops (nicer than Payless quality) for $13.00! Everything was much cheaper, and a great experience! But the second store we had to walk a couple of blocks but I was pretty sure I knew where it was! So trying not to look nervous or obvious we walked on.... With hearts pounding it came into view.....So we ran across the highway and entered the store with relief, pausing to catch our breath! We did it! yah! We each bought a shirt too! Well we had to have something to show for our escapade! We would have loved to take pictures to show you these amazing stores but it wasn't safe enough to take my camera out of my bag...we didn't want any added attention! After we were done shopping we crossed the street and were able to catch a taxi pretty quickly, much to our relief! The guard was very happy to see us safe and sound and un-robbed! :) So were we!

The spot I use in the office was occupied this afternoon so I was able to spend some quality time with the older children, as my Spanish improves it is more and more fun!

This little guy is so sweet!

These two ladies are too!

I love her little braids!

I was able to spend a lot of time with this little girl too! It was so much fun! I was amazed I held her attention for so long! But she loves to practice English, so I was teaching her some English and she was helping out with my Spanish! She is so very special!

We are practicing our colors!!

Everyone was having a great time!

Then we headed back to the baby's for supper and bedtime bottles.....

This little guy is just adorable!

She is such a cutie! She spit up all over me tonight......but how could you get upset at a face like this?? I knew I was going to fall in love with all these children, but I never knew how much! How much these precious little faces would become.....they are forever engraved in my heart and mind!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Who will love me?

No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Matthew 6:24-30


I was reading this blog post last night, and it broke my heart when I realized how many children I know that fit into some of these categories. Because no matter how wonderful an orphanage is the fact remains that the children inside are orphans. Children who need a mother and father, a family of their own to love them.

Micah Six Eight: The List: This list is for all those brave souls who have come to a place when they realize that there is room at their table for another.   Th...

Today was our day at Maria Campi, it was good to go and see the children there! They all came running up to give us hugs and kisses! They make you feel so special, my hope and prayer was that I would make them feel special today too! So I spent the morning, pushing a teeter-totter up and down, pushing swings, holding hands, wiping faces, tickling, tying shoes, taking children on and off the trampoline, serving and cleaning up food, helping children climb, slide, pushing the merry-go-round, and all those little things. But some how it was so fulfilling and it felt like there was nothing more important that I could possibly be doing! I have fallen in love with all these children too! But today I saw them with different eyes, I seen the behaviors on the list, I seen them trying to hide their pain, I seen them trying to get the attention they are lacking, I heard them calling me mama, why? Because they found someone who cares and they always dreamed of having a mama who cared about them. They have hopes and dreams, but they can't fulfill them! They are crying out for someone to notice them, but the only one that comes to their aid is another orphan, offering what comfort they can. They are so independent, they can eat on their own before they are two, they hurry up and eat before another child comes and steals their food, they can put on their own shoes, clothes, defend themselves, but yet they need someone to teach them which shoe, goes on which foot, they need someone to teach them how to play with toys, they need someone to teach them how to pump their swing, they need someone to teach them how to be a child..... not one that has to kick and scream for attention! But a happy, playful, carefree child. They need to know that someone will make sure they get enough to eat, they need to know that someone thinks they are special, they need to know that someone will always love them, they need to know someone will make sure they have toys to play with. All these children..... with no one......who will be their someone?

Today as I seen children that don't talk, but cry......
broken toys everywhere......
children just holding toys.....
children taking food from other children.....
children not eating.....
children throwing things.....
children fighting.....
I could have just cried! They are only children, so much like children, yet they don't know what its like to be a child, to have a mom, dad, sibling, they only feel an emptiness that they don't know how to fill.

After the mid-morning snack I went and helped in the kitchen, washing dishes in cold water, chopping onions, making meat patties, sweeping, and washing more dishes. I didn't feel like washing dishes in the cold "amoeba" water and Natasha and I call it, did much good, especially dishes that had raw meat in it, but it was better then the person that drank from a cup, rinsed it and placed it in the drainer....cleanliness is not a huge priority, these children must have immune systems of steal! I smashed boiled garlic with a stone (I had no idea what I was doing! that was definitely new to me, but so are a lot of things that seem normal here), earning the complement that I am now ready to get married! O joy! So after lunch, clean-up and all the children were down for their naps we headed for the bus, and to find a taxi that isn't trying to rip us off! Sometimes we have to hail 3 or more taxi's to find a reasonable one! This morning we saved over $5 one way! That more than paid for our way back too! We are getting the taxi's figured out too! :)

This afternoon I was back at the office! Scanning, scanning, scanning, but I felt a little more productive this time! I was able to get 3 folders done in 1 1/2 hours! But it all depends on how fast the computer is tomorrow might not be the same.

I ran to the store and bought strawberries for dinner as a surprise for Natasha!! I was so proud of myself! :) I know its not that hard to buy strawberry's but I actually talked and didn't just point and gesture!

So after feeding a few babies we came home to make this supper we have had planning for awhile!

Bacon!! I have been craving some meat, but bacon here looks really pathetic, so I found some beef bacon that looked much better! It didn't taste to much like bacon but it tasted like beef and I was happy!

 My make shift apron.....

Then there were the potatoes, we have not had much for potatoes so it was hard to decide what to do with them! But we finally settled for potato pancakes!

Natasha did an amazing job of frying them! We put lots of cheese in them! :)


Here we go....we put salsa, sour cream and cheese on our potato pancakes, they were amazing! Earning me another compliment....our landlady came in while we were eating and said, it always smells so good after you girls are done cooking! Brianna, you are a good cook, you would make a wonderful wife for my grandson, your sweet, nice, thoughtful and have a pretty face too!

O another joy....

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

They gave me a job in the office....

Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say, Rejoice. Be careful for nothing: but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 4, 6 & 7

Sometimes it hard to remember what we did in the morning! It was a long time ago....
So let me think.....or ask Natasha.....O ya, thats right! I got it.

Our morning was filled with baby's, a quick "corner" store run, going to see the older children, and a quick run to the office. But after lunch we went to package up greeting cards....

They are prints of paintings, they are very neat!

12 different designs.

Complete with a sticker!

Counting envelopes....

Packaged up and ready to go! We packaged up a lot! The orphanage uses them as a fundraiser.

So after packaging cards I was given the job of scanning adoption files on to the computer... How hard can it be really?? Well the first one was tiny and I worked out the kinks but the 2nd one was almost 200 papers! So first you sort the file, unstapling and start putting it through the scanner, but if anything gets messed up, you will probably have to start the whole thing again....Then staple them back together and try to put them back in order....then start saving it to the computer, it took 40 minuets just to save on the computor! But it was a good time to pray specifically for the children who's folders I was scanning, then I pulled out my Spanish notebook and studied! So after 2 hours of work, I had two folders done. O well tomorrow is another day....and I think I have the biggest one done!

So then I joined Natasha in the baby house to help finish up supper. I taught the tia, "Old McDonald had a farm". She is so much fun! She is learning a bunch of English phrases, they see me trying, so it makes them more willing to try too! I mess up all the time, so they don't have to feel bad! This morning when I had Natasha doing our "ABC sit-ups" and "123 push-ups" we had quite a crowd! Cheering Natasha on, and correcting me! So fortunately by the time it was my turn, most of them had left, because its really hard to concentrate on Spanish while your doing push-ups! But its fun, and its working because I counted to 100 today, and I know the whole alphabet! So now on to colors and day's of the the time I get home, at least I will know the basics! I needed a stapler and I had some trouble with the scanner while I was at the office and I was able to talk through it all! God does do miracles!! Don't ever doubt it! It really wears you out trying to learn and understand another language! So I think I'm going to crash more Spanish for tonight!

Monday, February 25, 2013

Locked in....again!

Today was another bright shining day in Ecuador, we hung our sheets out to dry...

So I worked on my Spanish this morning, practicing in the baby house. Then Natasha went with for another doctors appointment, so I really got to practice! I really enjoyed it! I had a good "conversation" with one of my favorite tia's. She know enough English to supplement for my little Spanish! But its very good practise for both of us! We took two toddlers over to the pool for awhile. Some people came over to see the children while we were there and of course they shut the gate door...... So we get all done in the pool and find ourselves locked inside again.... we hollered for awhile, then we moved a big barrel over to the fence and I climbed up and hollered over the fence some more.... ALFREDO!! Finally the guard on the other side of the street heard us and unlocked it for us!! yah! I definitely wouldn't mind if this doesn't happen again! I don't know about their system here....

After swimming, I went down to see the older children for a little while, they were all kind of having a rough morning, but it was great to see them anyway! :)

This afternoon, we kinda wandered around doing random things.....we seen the baby's, played with the older children, helped out with some donations and had a good visit with Jen (volunteer coordinator). I went into the group house to look for a couple of my shirts that have been missing and I found 2 out of 3, not bad! Then we seen the last group that stayed there had left a bunch of food, so off we went to ask if we could have some of the left overs...So we went grocery shopping! :) It was great fun and such a blessing! We headed to the baby house in time to help with bottles and I was able to  feed my favorite baby boy! Usually I have to set it up with Natasha to get him, but this time I didn't! :) So to end our day we had pizza with a bunch of the volunteers, it was very nice to spend time with some other friends! Sometime Natasha and I spend to much time together... :) lol when you begin to know each others next move, and we don't make plans without the others input.... But its quite different when you are living in another country! We really do need each other!

Seeing the picture from Gods view

These verse are very special to me right now, as me and my family are praying for a miracle to happen, we may be in over our heads, but that is often what faith looks like from the outside. Like a single young girl going to a foreign country for 6 months, because God sent her. But God had a plan, bigger than any of us could have imagined!

 And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. Unto Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.

My family has started the process of adopting this little girl! I could not be more excited! Sometimes we don't see what God had in mind for something. But this time we get to see God's view! God laid it on my heart to go to a different country to serve Him. I tried to go to quite a few different places for my missions trip, but not one door opened! Why? Because God had a little girl waiting for me to come meet! There were so many people praying for her to find a family! God was working in all the little details, to prepare me to come, but also to prepare my family for what will be the biggest step of faith we may have ever taken! I know its only the beginning, but I'm so excited for the day we will be able to bring this little girl home! She doesn't know who I am, but I know who she is!!

My family needs to raise about $30,000 to bring this little girl home. Its huge, but we know that God is able to do exceedingly above what we are able to think or ask! I never imagined I would come here and find a little sister, but God had her waiting..... I know that He will provide a way.

If you are interested in finding out more about my family, our journey, or supporting us, here is our blog....

For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37: Let the fundraising begin!!: Family & Friends We would like to ask for your support in this giant step in faith. I will start with me the weaker vessel (...

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A relaxing Sunday....

I love Sundays! Sunday has long been my favorite day of the week, but every Sunday I think.....awww I love Sundays! It is by far the most relaxing and special day of the week. God knew what He was doing when He set it aside as His day. Once again, church was a blessing, encouragement and challenge! This pastor has a different style of preaching then I am use to, and sometimes I lose his train of thought, but I always come away with plenty!

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts. For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater: So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Isaiah 55:8-11

This afternoon, we had dinner with our Land lady's family. It was very fun, entertaining, interesting, awkward, emotional... but I really enjoyed it! There was a lot going on, but it reminded me a lot of home anyway. There was about 20 people there. Our land lady made her grandson sit and talk to us for the first 45 min. He did very well! I'm sure he was bored! Then she wanted her other grandson to meet us, but he never showed up! lol Can't say as I blame him, their grandmother is not very tactful! But we are getting use to that too, there seems to be a lot of that around here! As we were eating dinner their little grandson (3) was sitting across from us and was just staring at me! His parents felt bad but we assured them we knew he was just fascinated with us! We are rather use to it, but it was pretty funny. They tried to get him to talk to us, but he was to shy. It cracked me up! But it was pretty neat to see the different culture, they are very affectionate!! Perhaps more emotional, at least then me! I think there were about 3 or 4 people crying during family conversation after dinner. But I think we are finally getting use to a lot of the differences  I actually might miss the whole cheek kiss thing when I get back to the states. Maybe I will start a new trend..... :) not, there is certain things you just can't do in the states, and same goes for here.  I think learning about the culture and people here has been one of my favorite parts of the trip! I'm so thankful for all the opportunity's that God has given us to get to know so many sweet, wonderful people.

It's still gorgeous and sunny....but I know the rain will come again, but I am enjoying it while it is here!

Natasha and I filled our evening with some challenging discussions, heartfelt sharing and mutual love and understanding. It is so awesome to be able to share and grow together. To learn each others weaknesses and strengths, to challenge and encourage each other. Natasha has been a great blessing to me! I thought it was pretty neat how we both picked something out of the sermon for each other. Or rather, God had something for both of us, and we were like an echo to each attention!! We were able to talk about it, and appreciate it. God has definitely used her in my life since I came here.

Saturday, February 23, 2013


Our help is in the name of the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Psalms 124:8

Maybe its just a little more obvious here in the splendor of the mountains, how great and powerful God really is, but when I look around me, I stand in awe of my creator and sustainer! I often break out in praise to God! This morning, this was my song.

Majesty, worship his majesty;
Unto Jesus be all glory, honor, and praise.
Majesty, kingdom authority,
Flow from his throne unto his own, his anthem raise.
So exalt, lift up on high the name of Jesus.
Magnify, come glorify Christ Jesus, the King.
Majesty, worship his majesty,
Jesus who died, now glorified, King of all kings.

So this morning we finally headed to Otavalo, I was so excited!! I have been waiting ever so patiently..... :)
We got to ride in one of the fancy buses! It cost us $2.20 each to take the bus 1 1/2 hours to Otavalo.

We seen some beautiful scenery, well when I wasn't sleeping.....

He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills.....

We were so inspired by these mountains today! I was singing praise songs all morning!

We seen a lot of fields and farms! It felt a little more like home!

This little girl asked Natasha if she could practice her English with her, and a whole group came up to me and were talking with me for awhile. It was so neat! They even gave me a valentines card that they had made! They asked me to speak slower, so they could understand me. :) I love these moments! At least I know I'm not the only one!

The market was huge! We walk for blocks and block, we spend about 5 hours there and didn't make it through the whole market!

Natasha looking at trinkets.

Leather belts $10

There were so many more ladies wearing traditional clothing there, it was really neat!

They are so beautiful! We spent a lot of time looking at them and trying them on, but they really are not sized for "big" people. It was hard to find them long enough!

I just love these outfits! After much bartering, looking and trying on, I finally got a shirt like I wanted, that fit, for the price that I wanted! Yah!!

I love how, they are so practical over being self conscience.

Shopping! :)

This guy was pushing this huge cart down the street after he closed up his stand.

We were a little worried about the food, honestly when you seen it, you didn't have to much of an appetite left! So we survived on bread, I don't think that can be to bad! It is so good! Its all fresh baked and delicious!

We had a long day, but it was an experience we will never forget! I did some pretty good bartering, now that I learned my numbers, but I got confused a couple times! I kept  Natasha helped me out though, She is so patient! It was exciting to get home and go through all our bags and look at all the things we had bought., including our Ecuadorian pants......