Saturday, March 23, 2013

Freedom Climb

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong. 1 Corinthians 16:13

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31

When we came to Ecuador we soon realized that something we both would really like to do would be to climb a mountain....but we didn't think it was going to happen. Then at church they mentioned, the Freedom climb. A couple at church were doing this climb to raise awareness about sex trafficking.

Today dawned a little chilly, but we dressed up and headed to the bus, which of course was running late...but we should have expected it, this is Ecuador! But we headed for the mountain Llalo, we stretched out and headed for the hill....

It was a beautiful hike, but it was definitely the hardest hike I have ever done! Then again it wasn't easy for anyone! Not to mention there is not much for oxygen up here!

There were signs and markers along the way, when I was thinking about how hard the climb was I remembered why I was doing it, not for me, but for these girls.

It was a peaceful climb and a beautiful day!!

Of course stopping to take pictures gave me a chance to stop and breath a bit! Honestly, I don't think I have ever been so out of breath in my life! But I kept pushing, because I had a reason to keep going! I tried to use the time to focus on their suffering and pain

She was a great hiking buddy!

Here I am with my "bag" of water! We should have know the water would be in bags, just like everything else around here....

I'm telling you it was a long way up and steep!

The cross is the goal....

The last stretch was the hardest, we had to stop a lot and breath, but we were getting close!!

Finally it is in view! It was an amazing thing how eager we were to see the cross, to get to the cross! It tied in with the whole meaning of the climb, and the whole meaning of the christian life. I think it was my favorite part of the day, when the cross came in view...

A little more and we will be there!

We made it!!

We were so thrilled, we didn't win first prize but we made it, and we got a snack.....we needed it! We climbed it in 1 hour and 45 minuets, the winner climbed it in 45 minuets! He was insane!

Of course, Natasha had to climb part way up the cross.

 We found a pack mule up on top too!

After most everyone got the top (some people took about 3 hrs, it was a strenuous hike! but everyone made it!) they did a program, explaining their story.

The man on the left was a boy off the street, he ended up in an orphanage that a christian couple had started and it changed his life forever. Him and his wife, just started their organization this year and are working with trafficked girls. It was just amazing to see how God is working, to hear what God is doing, and how God is using ordinary people to do great things, in His name! They did a silent skit on trafficking, and it brought tears to my eyes, to realize how young and helpless these girls are. They are truly victims with no way out, but the grace of God. I could be one of these girls. Is it their fault they are sold? Is it their fault they have no way out? Is it their fault they are in bondage to wicked men? Please pray for these victims and for this couple as they bring hope and help to these girls. Their names are Boris and Fernanda and their organization is Dunamis.

Then we headed back down...

It was so much easier, besides for the steep muddy parts.....but I only managed to slip once or twice...

The views are amazing!

I knew before I came that Ecuador would change me, but I never imagined all the things I would experience or all the ways it would change my heart and life. Ecuador has definitely left its mark in my heart, and I know that my life won't be the same because of it.

On the bus ride home....wire overload. 
Thats a little scary looking....

1 comment:

  1. Oh man this is so sad and amazing all at the same time. So will be praying for them. So wonderful you and Natasha got to be apart.
