Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Three weeks already gone!

But this I say, He which soweth sparingly, shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully. Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give, not grudgingly or of necessity  for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7

The world is in great need of young Christians. Never was there a time when there was so much for them to do, and never were there so many avenues of usefulness open to them. Never were their abilities so fully recognized and valued, and never was so much done to impress upon them the beauty and helpfulness of the Christians life. It is the young people's era, and they are blessing the world by making such full use of the opportunities which God has given them. He has a work for you to do . He is pleading for admission to the hearts of the boys and girls, and if you will bid Him come and reign therein, Heaven will seem nearer and nearer with the advancing years, instead of farther off. ~ J. R. Miller

This quote was in our church bulletin before I left, I have read it many times and it is an encouragement and challenge every time I ready it! So many times we only get of something, what we are willing to put in to something. What a blessing to look back on your life and see great blessings, and Gods hand, because we were willing to step out, to trust God, and walk by faith. May I be willing to be strange to this world, to make a difference in eternity!


That cold still hasn't caught up to me! This morning I woke up feeling refreshed and ready to go! So we headed to see the baby's..... Today was another cloudy day, after 4 days of at least a little rain, and not to much sunshine, I am ready to be outside with these little ones! But we tried to keep them occupied inside!! About mid morning we headed down to the "corner store" to buy a queso empanada for a snack, they are amazing! They just sell them off the counter, you buy as many as you want! We only buy one at a time otherwise you will eat far more than you should! When we came back they sent us down to the older children, and thankfully it was warm enough for them to be outside!! yah! Here is a rousing game of hide and seek - tag.

Catherine and Natasha counting to ocho....

Get her!!

Catherine hiding...

They found her!!

This little sweetheart moved from the baby house to the toddler house! She is doing great with the older children! She is growing up so much!!

Wearing my Wisconsin colors!! The couple I met from Wisconsin on Sunday, came to the orphanage today and said, She must be from Wisconsin, she is wearing camouflage! :) you betcha!

Usually he is a very quite little baby, but tonight he was pretty fussy, so I spent a lot of time entertaining him and another bored little girl! It was quite a workout, she wanted me to play with her and he wanted me to play with him! But thankfully supper was early tonight so then everybody was happy!

Awww yes, I think I will go to bed early tonight too!! again...

As Natasha and I were making supper, I was marveling at how much of a team we have become! Both knowing what the other is thinking! This afternoon I was skyping my friend and it was amazing how all three of us were talking and interacting! 3 weeks ago I didn't even know her and now we share pretty much everything! I guess you don't have much of a choice when you are living together, but its amazing how God placed both of us here and almost the same time, for almost the same amount of time! I couldn't have been blessed with a better roommate and companion!!

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