Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliciton, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. James 1:27
We spent our morning as usual, feeding toddlers, giving bottles to baby's, dressing children, practicing Spanish, cleaning up after little ones......but it is such a joy!
We loaded 5 babies in one wagon, 3 toddlers in the other wagon, two toddling along behind and the littlest princess in my arms! We headed across the street to play and go swimming. Natasha and I have as much fun as the toddlers! :)
Today is this little guy's 2nd Birthday, so we put up some decorations this morning and had a little party for him this afternoon.
His sister was so happy to be celebrating with him!!
His "apple pie" birthday cake
She looks like a princess on her throne!
I love these faces!
This one too!
O yes, our amazing decorating skills! :)
My spoon was about 5 inches long and 1/2 inch wide, it was interesting trying to eat jello..but hey we hang out with children all the time! We can do it!
I love watching them enjoy each other!
This evening Natasha and I were a bit restless, so after doing our "123" push-ups and our "ABC" sit-ups we headed outside to find some adventure!!!
We stared at the mountains, and we found a soccer ball to play basketball with!
I found a fire to warm me up in the "freezing cold" Ecuadorian winter evening.
O yes, and this tree! I think they are so beautful! I call them the pineapple trees, but nobody ever knows what I am talking about!
just because..
I just love these trees!
Notice the resemblance?????
So after a good walk and talk we were able to settle down for the night! Well sort of...
Last night I had a good Spanish lesson! I watch The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, in Spanish! It was really great! It was easier to understand then real life, so I picked up on a lot of words, I spent a lot of time on Google translate and writing things down in my notebook! People have told me that watching TV is a really good way to learn a language and its definitely a good idea!
My studious little work station....
The children look so adorable I just wanna hug em.