Friday, February 8, 2013

A sunny day at For His Children

Well I have to say today was a pretty long uneventful day! It may have to do with the fact that Natasha left early this morning to go to a doctors appointment and didn't get back until 6:30 pm! The baby ended up in the hospital, and she is very sick! The tias now have to do 24 hour shifts taking turns staying with the baby at the hospital and covering for the other one here at the orphanage.

It was a very good time for me to practice my Spanish! I actually did better than I thought! I was doing some interpreting for a girl who knew less Spanish than me! :) Imagine that...

I was praying for a beautiful day today! After all these rainy, chilly day's I was feeling a little cooped up! So when they asked me if I would take some of the toddlers in the therapy pool, I was so excited!! So the morning flew by! We loaded 6 babies in one wagon, to cross the street to the pool!

Then at lunch I had our Switzerland friend over, because it was her last day! Then I walked her to the gate to let her out and one of our greatest fears...there was someone waiting to get you let them in? do you leave them standing there as you walk by?? uhhhh so we talked to him for awhile, he is part of the crew and apparently got left behind after lunch.....well I had to let my friend out and couldn't slam the gate in his face, so in he comes! Is it foolishness or is it faith? I know it really doesn't seem that big! But sometimes the little crisis of faith makes a big difference in the big ones! So I chose to have compassion, what if the man has a family he is trying to support and misses half a day of work because I wouldn't let him in the gate?? Over thinking it right? I know! But later on I seen him down working with the crew......

So our land lady is a pretty clean, particular person, so we do our best to leave the kitchen very clean and organized exactly how we found it! When she has a problem she comes to us and tells us and we correct it! But she actually went through our shelves in the fridge and organized our food! Really?? So as I am boiling beans and rice on the stove I am sitting here watching them! We don't want anything to happen!! But its a good time to practice my Spanish, so thank you God!

It seemed like I fed baby's all afternoon! The tias like it, because I just make the bottles and feed the baby's! no fuss required! I fed one little boy 3 or 4 bottles today! I should keep track how many bottles I feed in one day! It is so amazing watching these little ones grow and develop! As I watching one little baby play, then start crying, I realized how innocent they are! Orphans, yet they need to be loved, fed, cared for, just the same! They don't realize they are different, they are just asking to be loved! Even in Ecuador there is a prejudism against darker skin, with the idea that white is the best, yet these sweet little baby's, know nothing about this, asking for love just the same! Because they are the same, innocent little children, just the same as every other child, but because of something out of their control, have been labeled set aside and how many will never know what childhood should really be like.

Well we ended this long day with brown rice and black bean casserole! Yes, we are catching on to this cooking thing pretty well! Now we are listening to the rain lull us to sleep......

Ok well I guess it was kind of an eventful day...


"This world is not my home, I'm just a passing through, My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue."

How shall we sing the Lord's song in a foreign land? Psalm 137:4

Someday I truly will be home, with my heavenly Father and O, what a day that will be!! No more weariness, no more pain, no more tears, no more heartache, then truly shall I know Him!

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