Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord. Lord, hear my voice; let thine ears be attentive to the voice of my supplications. If thou, Lord, shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared. I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His word do I hope. My soul waiteth for the Lord more than they that watch for the morning: I say, more than they that watch for the morning. Let Israel hope in the Lord: for with the Lord there is mercy, and with Him there is redemption. And He shall redeem Israel from all His iniquities. Psalm 130:1-8
This morning I woke up marveling in the Lord, His Mercy, His Goodness, His Faithfulness, His Love, His Truth, everything I have is a gift from Him, my Salvation, my Family, my Provisions, even the Food I eat! How Marvelous is My God. Who can Know Him? He is Past Finding Out!
Well Natasha and I left our laundry on the line overnight...it hasn't rained in almost two weeks! But it rained..... of course! Whenever we do laundry it rains!
We were having all kinds of fun this morning! He was keeping the beat to our sit-ups! Keeping us on time!
This is my Spanish professor, she was writing down some words for me!
Our chill little boy.....
This is the look I get on my face when Natasha tells me words in Spanish! huh???
This morning our landlady asked us for the wheelbarrow the orphanage had borrowed so we ran down to find it! Then as we were pushing it out the gate, the guard asked me if I was going to ride in it while Natasha pushed? I was quite convinced Natasha couldn't push me! But I hopped in anyway and much to my joy and fear for my life she started pushing me down the street! So she pushed me half way home then we swapped and pushed her the rest of the way! :) Then when we got home we seen a Indigenous with a baby tied to her back carrying a ladder around the house....I'm not sure what she was going to do but I'm quite sure she was going to do it with that baby on her back! Now that's a real women!
Later in the morning a school group came to help out at the orphanage so we decided to go run some errands...I wanted to take my sandal that broke on Sunday to get repaired. So we started out our excursion with less than $1 change, we asked the guard if it was safe to walk but he said, we could get robbed if we are carrying anything of value.....camera, credit cards, money.... we had all of the above! So we decided to try a taxi and the driver said he had change for $20...so as we are driving he is honking at every bus and taxi driver trying to get change, really? Nobody would help him out. So we get there and he gives me $17 in coins!
We got there just as the mall was opening and this line for the bank was already piled up behind Natasha!
So we headed in to do some shoe shopping.....well all the shoes are so expensive! We even tried Payless and the shoes were almost 2x more expensive than they are in the States! In the store they have random brands, so we would find a lot of Old Navy, Holister and Aeropostale clothes in the stores but they would be so expensive! we found an Old Navy shirt for over $30!!
$130 for a pair of Crocs! So I dropped off my sandal to be fixed for $3!
After we did are other shopping and errands at the mall we decided to try a couple of out of the way stores, but we had to walk to get there (not always safe)....the first one went great! They had so much stuff in the store! I bought two pairs of flipflops (nicer than Payless quality) for $13.00! Everything was much cheaper, and a great experience! But the second store we had to walk a couple of blocks but I was pretty sure I knew where it was! So trying not to look nervous or obvious we walked on.... With hearts pounding it came into view.....So we ran across the highway and entered the store with relief, pausing to catch our breath! We did it! yah! We each bought a shirt too! Well we had to have something to show for our escapade! We would have loved to take pictures to show you these amazing stores but it wasn't safe enough to take my camera out of my bag...we didn't want any added attention! After we were done shopping we crossed the street and were able to catch a taxi pretty quickly, much to our relief! The guard was very happy to see us safe and sound and un-robbed! :) So were we!
The spot I use in the office was occupied this afternoon so I was able to spend some quality time with the older children, as my Spanish improves it is more and more fun!
This little guy is so sweet!
These two ladies are too!
I love her little braids!
I was able to spend a lot of time with this little girl too! It was so much fun! I was amazed I held her attention for so long! But she loves to practice English, so I was teaching her some English and she was helping out with my Spanish! She is so very special!
We are practicing our colors!!
Everyone was having a great time!
Then we headed back to the baby's for supper and bedtime bottles.....
This little guy is just adorable!
She is such a cutie! She spit up all over me tonight......but how could you get upset at a face like this?? I knew I was going to fall in love with all these children, but I never knew how much! How much these precious little faces would become.....they are forever engraved in my heart and mind!
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