These are some of the most amazing children I have ever met, there stories would shock you, make you want to cry, make you want to pick them up and bring them home, but most of all see the world through their eyes. Eyes that have seen the people that should love them and protect them...turn their backs and leave them...in the arms of strangers...or simple to die in a garbage can.
I can't begin to imagine the pain that these children have suffered in their short little lives, the part that most of us look back and remember the most care free, happy, magical days of our lives.
I can't take away their pain, and hurt, and bitter memories...but maybe I can be part of their healing...maybe you can be part of their healing. These children and so many more need forever families! One that will love them, care for them, go through heartaches and pain with them, but most of all one that will teach them about Jesus, their creator, sustainer and friend. Would you consider bringing home a familyless child? Will you join me in praying for these children and many more that they to may soon have families??
Ye shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. Exodus 22:22
Is it afflicting if you just leave them alone? If you are able to help, and do nothing? If you have room in your home, but leave it empty? If its on your heart, but you don't pray. If you have the extra money but don't sponsor them? If you ignore the need, or leave it for someone else? There is many ways to help the fatherless, and many are called in different ways. But as Christians we are all called....
Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Psalm 82:3
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27
Well this morning God had to set my heart right off....this guy came in that volunteers to fill hours for school...but he doesn't really want to be there and complains and doesn't help much...so I was mumbling and complaining to myself, wanting to go set this guy straight....and God kindly suggested....where is your heart? Well it wasn't right either....so I started to pray that God would change his heart....and God started out by changing mine.
This morning was chilly and dreary so we stayed inside all morning...but it was pretty peaceful. The older toddlers went to horse therapy so it was just babies....but tia kept me pretty busy anyway! I had a volunteer following me around that knew only English so I was put to the test but my Spanish did pretty well....
This afternoon I had a visitor! What a surprise! But it was nice, I don't have many of those...but she did really come to tell me that the office was full so I didn't need to rush over to work on files...but she stayed to visit a bit anyway!
So I enjoyed a restful afternoon...I even got in a little nap...I have been wondering why I have been so tired that last couple of days...then realized that most of my conversing is in Spanish...seriously it's exhausting trying to think and speak in another language all day! I spend so much time translating, writing and reading my dictionary.....I even have people chatting me in Spanish after I go home for the night...It's so good for me though....its just not easy!
But this evening I was able to visit and chat with the older girlys...which is always fun! They are so full of energy! They looked through my little photo album of my family, they enjoyed it, but it made me sad...I have so much family and loved ones and they are all alone....
Then I helped put all the screaming babies to bed and I'm headed there shortly...
But I better tell you all that the blue stain is gone from the sink...:) and here is my sweater!!
Its actually more blue than this....its just the lighting...but anyway its kinda fun! It gave an old sweater new life!
Praying for each and everyone of these little souls. Most of all I pray they will find the Lord.