Thursday, April 18, 2013

Almost home...

So I spent a day at the airport....walking....sleeping....walking....sleeping.....but it actually passed by fairly rapidly. I wanted to venture out a little into Miami, but figured without knowing anything about it and the transportation system (I've heard its not the best), being so exhausted the best thing to do would be to sit tight and make sure I get on that flight! I got my boarding pass and felt like the richest girl in the world...I don't know why though, I have two from yesterday that didn't do me any good! People are in the line to reschedule again, but its not nearly as long as last night, but I sure hope I don't end up there tonight!

Well I spent my day at the airport! The time didn't go too slow, I was able to get a little snooze in throughout the day and was blessed with some phone calls and notes from folks to help pass the time. My hands got very sore from toting my carry on all over the airport but at least I was able to get around! My fight got delayed by half an hour, I was pretty worried! Then we boarded late but when I finally sat down, I fell asleep from pure exhaustion  a while late I woke up and thought....o we are still on the ground...but realized we were up in the air and I had slept through it all! I can't believe I slept through a take-off! But I fell back asleep and slept most of the way to Minneapolis. We hit quite a bit of turbulence toward the end. But finally we landed and headed for baggage and my parents! It was so wonderful to see them! And wonderful to be out of Miami! And wonderful to get out of airports! Well all the snow melted in time so it is just freezing cold and rainy....brrr its really cold! Its only 35 degrees! (haha I know really thats warmer). So off we went for home, and I slept like a log on the way home too! My eyelids feel like they weigh 5 lbs. each....I'm planning on fixing that tonight, well it's almost 5 this morning, I guess. The house is so hot! By brother has it up to 80 + degrees in I am not use to these temperature changes! We didn't have any heat in Ecuador.... But its so crazy and wonderful to be home! The dog is huge, the house looks different (remodeling), but its all strangely familiar and feels good! A nice big glass of cold water, all my things around me, my bed, but most of all my family...well I will see my brothers and sisters in the morning....please, O please....don't wake me up.....

When I started this blog it was going to be for my family, church family and I thought a few other people might read it...I have been amazed, shocked, humbled and encouraged by all the people reading this blog and praying for me on my journey in Ecuador!

This blog has had over 5,000 pageviews which is incredible! People from other countries, Germany, Russia, Ecuador, United Kingdom, Italy, Belarus, Canada, China and France have stopped by this blog!

I started it as a challenge to myself to see if I actually could post everyday, I didn't think I could, but I did it! Well besides the time that the Internet wasn't working. It wasn't easy, its takes a lot of time....or maybe I just have a lot to say...but anyway I know that all of you didn't come back day and day to just hear what I had to say. So many people have learned, been blessed by, challenged and encouraged by these daily blog posts and I know I couldn't do that. Any good that has come from this blog is from God, may He have all the praise! I am only an empty vessel that has been filled with the Holy Spirit of God.

Thank you all for coming by and taking this journey with me....but I know that its not over....this journey will affect the rest of my life. When I set out I prayed that God would allow me to at least be a blessing in one persons life.... well even if my time here didn't bless anyone else, the changes it has brought about in me would be enough! But so many times along the way, I have been blessed to see the way that God used my time here, we are not alway blessed with seeing "behind the scenes", we don't always know the reason and why God does things. But how amazing it is to be able to see even a small part from Gods eyes. I'm just so thankful that God called me, that God chose me, that He allowed me to follow Him to Quito, Ecuador, to serve Him.

And they were beyond measure astonished, saying, He hath done all things well. Mark 7:37

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