Sunday, April 7, 2013

Enjoying these bright and sunny days!

Well this morning I woke up and realized that in two weeks I will be at home, going to my church! It was a very wonderful thought! I am excited to see everyone!

So this morning we had a wonderful church service! The pastor is preaching through Acts. It has truly been a blessing and challenge.

Then spake the Lord to Paul int he night by a vision, Be not afraid, but speak, and hold not thy peace: for I am with thee, and no man shall set on thee to hurt thee: for I have much people in this city. Acts 18:9&10

Then after we headed to the park for an afternoon of Evangelism. We started out with as a flash mob, then they had a choir sing, a man gave his testimony and they did a skit. There was about 100 people that participated! It was amazing! At the end they handed out tracts and spoke to individuals. Praise the Lord, for these wonderful opportunities.

My landlady has guest in the living room right now, so I am sitting in the kitchen using the internet and a cute little boy keeps poking his head in here...staring at me! lol When his family was leaving he had to say bye to me about ten times! I love little kiddo's! They crack me up, he was rewarded with a big smile, a hearty wave and a chou every time!

There you have it! Short and Sweet tonight.....

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