Saturday, April 13, 2013

A lovely, relaxing Saturday

But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Ephesians 4:7

I have seen so many different gift and different measures of grace. Orphans, many are looked over and cast aside. But they are precious children that are made in the image of God, they have scars and may not look beautiful, but when we "stop to smell the roses" we see the beauty and wonder in them. They are gifts from God. Disabilities, people are often measured by them. But they to are special, wonderful people that are made in the image of God. They are precious to Him, and He has bestowed upon them some of the most beautiful smiles, laughs, and wonderful personalities. Their  smiles can melt the clouds and their laughter can bring joy. Their accomplishments are so appreciated, the things we take for granted. If we take the time to appreciate them, and see the world through their eyes, these are the ones that will teach us about God.

Today was a perfect Saturday, relaxing, tranquil and spent with some of my favorite people....

Hello from all of us!!!

Enjoying her gifts....

What a sweet, wonderful day! I spent lots of time with the children! We played, read and learned Spanish! I had a wonderful time with the tias as well! I need some help eating up all my chocolate so this afternoon I brought M & M's with me! The children enjoyed them immensely  In fact I have never seen children savor and enjoy a tiny handful of M & M's more! I think we have enough for everyone to have some more on Monday....

I was rewarded with lots and lots of hugs and kisses, everyone piled on my lap and fought over me....o the pains of being loved! I'm so thankful I have been able to meet all of these special children and have been able to be a small part of their lives!

This evening I was browsing through my blog, and it is amazing to look back on everything that we have done, all the people God has brought across my path, all the lives that have blessed me. Remembering the heartaches, trials, the sweet times, the challenging times, the memories, the laughs, the joys, the friendships but most of the Love that brought me through it all! I have been so blessed, God has protected me, watched over me, and humbled me through it all.

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