Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Rejoicing in His Children

“Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.”

Romans 12:15

This morning was a busy morning! After breakfast I was playing with the toddlers and they kept picking on our new little boy. He gave it right back! but I was so amazed that even these little ones pick on the "new" or "different" one. They got a new toy, and everyone was fighting over it! It was so insane, I have never seen anything like it! In a room with 5 toddlers, walking/crawling/chasing after this little car and bulldozing anything or anyone in the way! 

A very special highlight to my day was one of the little boys that doesn't smile much, was in such a happy mood, laughing and smiling, it was really special! One other thing that was really neat, was seeing how much the tias started trusting us, and having us do different things and being more independent with the children! They are very cautious, but they have a lot of volunteers coming and going so I don't blame them at all! I am getting better at figuring out a few different phrases and knowing what they are asking, so that is defiantly a huge blessing!!

Natasha, went to a doctors appointment with one of the tias, so I stayed behind and it was neat to see how they were having me work with some of the volunteers and helping them! yah so I'm not the rookie! ;)

I met a volunteer from Switzerland!, its been so neat meeting people from all over the world!

It was a very full morning! I spent 5 hours with the toddlers and baby's, but it was such a blessing!

This afternoon we headed to Casa Harlow (2-8 yrs. old) I met the new little girl, who absolutely loved my camera! I don't think she knew what one was. I showed her the picture and she started talking to it.

Snack Time

This amazing little 8 yr old loves to braid hair! I got in on it a little later...I was feeling so special!

This little guy, claimed me when we were outside! He pulled me around by my pinkie, and showed me all the sights! :) O yes, and I pushed him all around on the tractor!

They were loving the monkey bars......

and the trampoline!

This was the first evening I spent with the older children, it was a little harder since language is a little more important, but it was very special anyway! They are so accepting, they love to hold your hand, and I had three piled on my lap, reading....of course in English, but they didn't mind at all!

I am so amazed by how small and behind developmentally some of the children are, from malnourishment, environment, special needs and other factors, but how much of this can change, by love, a family, and knowing that God has created them and loves them! These children are so special!

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