Monday, January 21, 2013

Defend the poor and fatherless

Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Psalm 82:3

 This morning was a crazy morning in the baby house, there were some tears shed, and everyone was plenty busy! But we got everyone fed and pulled out the toys, and wiped most of the tears away....

Breakfast for all the baby's 

A sister to one of the little girls that was just adopted came to volunteer today!

A little sweetheart...

Playtime with the older children....

This little girl is amazing!

Swinging outside......

The birthday girl! She is two today.

It was so beautiful outside today!

Today it got up to around 70 degree's, it was so warm, but since I have way to much sunburn, I had to keep my sweater on.....way to warm for that, and it feels like a waste of sunshine! I mean the people in Wisconsin are freezing right now!

So this afternoon we ran to the little "corner store" to find some dressing for my salad....but they didn't have any....(very limited) so I found some Pasta de Ajo - Condimensa, its for cooking with meats and things, but hey, I don't particular like dry lettuce! So I decided to give it a whirl....

So the rest of the afternoon we spent at the baby house, (I think it is quickly becoming my favorite place to be). I was playing with a little 2 year old as she got her Neb (breathing) treatment, which to her is completely normal, and as I see this tiny little girl with this mask on, playing with toys, my heart broke, so young and yet she knows what its like to suffer, so young and yet she already has lived without so many things I take for granted. In that moment I was so thankful that she able to have all the wonderful care she needs, but yet its not enough, she is still an orphan...fatherless....motherless....she deserves so much more! God says, Children are a blessing, yet today we see how Satan has distorted that truth so much, so many think children are a curse, a hassle  a pain, something they have to think about, plan for, because they don't want to lose any of their entitlements in the process of becoming parents, which should be one of the most precious blessing in life. I truly believe that being a parent is the highest calling God bestows on anyone, but today so many people don't seem to care....

We welcomed a precious little boy and girl today, who were reunited with their brother who was already living here. What an amazing thing to be part of and see how God is providing for and taking care of the orphans.

The tias taught Natasha and I how to eat these yellow mango's. The skin is very tough, so you take a bite (pretty hard to do) out of the skin, then you squeeze the mango and suck the juice out....hmmm it was interesting, especially with them standing their watching us. lol They assured us that how everyone eats them, but I have a feeling we were a little more rookie than they were familiar with! But the juice was really good!!

By the way, I had my chicken salad for supper and the dressing was very good! :) a little strong so next time I will spread it a little thinner but yah!! way to live like the natives right?? Pretty sure that's not what they do with it, but anyway....

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