You may remember the race up the mountain that Natasha and I did in Ecuador. I have continued to receive updates and pray for this ministry to girls that have been trafficked. Here is an article that has been written about them and the climb.
15 OCT, 2013 | ECUADOR
OM International
“Do you see that volcano up there?” Boris Salinas points to a snowy mountain top overseeing Ecuador’s capital Quito. “It might be the target for a second Freedom Climb in Ecuador.”
Boris, a young Colombian married to Ecuadorian Fernanda, doesn’t stop talking about his plans and dreams to awaken the people of Ecuador for a revolution against human trafficking. Boris himself experienced what the intervention of God through people in someone’s life can do. After having lived on the streets for three years as a teenager, his life changed radically when an American Christian couple in Quito adopted him.
Click on the title to read the whole article. Its so amazing to see Gods love for them poured out through these people.
To read my original blog post on the climb click
Here is their recent newsletter if you would like to learn more about this ministry.
Here are some new of this month.
Dear friend, We send you lots of love from Ecuador, and we want to thank you all for your everyday support. For us it's a great blessing being able to let everyone know what God has done with us and what He keeps up doing with our ministry. Love, Boris, Fernanda and Zoe.
Be a part of!!
We get our sewing on!
New Girls
We need your help!
Zoe's first day!

The sewing workshop
We are starting a new project of home made articles exclusively for this New Years Eve. The girls are enjoying so much this workshop, they put to test their skills and creativity. We are looking for people who are interested in helping our ministry so we are able to buy a sewing machine. The total amount we need to raise is 600 $ or if you own a sewing machine and you're not using it anymore, you could get in touch with us, we'll give it a good use to that machine! If you want to participate in this project by praying, donating money or just being part of this idea, send us an e-mail, write us a letter or search for our address to send any donation. The girls and our ministry will be thankful.

- So we can continue our project, finding a new sewing machine and help the girls develop new skills. - Our economic support, we have 35% of it complete, we search for new and interested people to help us as a family. - Pray for the new girls that are coming, so that God would allow us to show His love to them and that they get to know Him. - Pray for the finances of the foundation to be covered completely, so we can reach and help more girls.

This month we'll be expecting 8 new girls who have been victims of traffic labor by being sent to other countries to do forced labor, also we're receiving girls who have been victims of sex traffic on our frontiers. Their board of directors are very interested in them, so they are able to find new tools that will help them in their lives. For us this is a great opportunity to share God's Gospel with them because they've never heard of the love of God. PRAY FOR US!

- More volunteers, committed and enlightened to help the girls. - Pray so more groups, churches and universities open their doors so we can introduce our ministry and, at the same time, sell some jewelry the girls have done. This is their only support while they're on the ministry. - Pray for our family, so we can stand still and firm. Believing in all the promises God has made to us.
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