Hello everyone, this weekend we went on a class trip to the beach! Sounds amazing right? It was. It was half way through the program and our coordinator packed up 26 college students on a bus and drove us 2 hours away for an all inclusive weekend. It was beautiful! On the way there we got to stop at rio Tarcoles and walk across the bridge to be greeted by these smiling faces. We counted over 30 of these bad boys and girls. There was a local man there who was letting children throw in pieces of chicken and he told us a little bit about them. There is one that they believe is over 15 feet long. He also explained to us the difference between salt-water crocodiles and freshwater. At least I knew which ones to expect when arriving at the ocean....
When we arrived at the resort we had a 10-minute drive from the road to the resort. It was really nice we all were split up into groups and each group was given food to cook for the weekend, so we were self-sufficient and yet didn´t have to worry about anything. Well almost... remember it is 26 college students we are talking about, but I went to bed early so I missed out on most of the drama.

Maria is in my class and we were room buddies this weekend and spent a lot of time together. She has a great sense of humor and we did a lot of exploring together!
I love hearing and seeing the toucans flying around, it seems so surreal that I am in the same place as them and they are wild and free! They are beautiful and I love listening to them squawk! At 5 am we woke up to them flying and talking outside above the pool. Then the pool man spent a couple hours cleaning it every morning. It seemed strange to have pools so close to the ocean, but I guess that is a thing, I am new to the ocean life, but I do not expect to get used to it.
Here I am remembering why I love the ocean so much. I cannot describe the overwhelming sense I feel of God's presence, I cannot imagine looking at it and imagining its existence in any other way than the supernatural power of God. It is so big and powerful, and yet calm and tranquil. It's loud and crashing and yet quiet and mesmerizing. I am very thankful for every opportunity to spend near it.

Friday afternoon we went to the smaller beach and walked and searched for sea shells, and then headed back and made supper and went to bed. Saturday morning I woke up bright and early with the birds and then we headed to playa blanca, which is a very large and beautiful beach. We swam and explored to our hearts content!

Alas, we were worn out by lunch time and after lunch, we did more exploring, ice cream eating, and pool volleyball until supper, than we did more ice cream eating and exploring until bed. We were the little shop keepers best customers that day between the ice cream, drinks, snacks, and water ball we bought. We got up bright and early on Sunday to have one more walk by the beach before leaving. It was a full but beautiful weekend. I am so thankful that God always provides companions that want to explore and walk with me. Maria and I are drinking fresh coconut water from coconuts that are sold like juice boxes, with the disposable straw. They just have a small hole for you to poke your straw through and drink away!

I am so enjoying the Spanish that surrounds me and the relaxed Hispanic culture. I am already extremely sad about leaving, but a little homesickness is also hitting me. I especially miss being in church and having Christian friends around me. There are some Christians in our group, but I am realizing even more so, how important it is for Christians to be involved invovled in their local church.
Pura Vida is a favorite saying in Costa Rica that they say in greeting, in departing, and in the middle of sentences. Its catchy and when you are surrounded by so much beauty it is easy to understand why they say it so much!
Well, it was a close call, but all the college kids survived their weekend with minimal internet, and came home exhausted!
Gleaning from Job
I started studying through the book of Job, and God is challenging my and my ability to praise Him in every circumstance, but these verses in the second chapter stuck out to me. I cannot imagine God saying this about one of His servents. It has challenged me to hold fast to my integrity and bless God in every circumstance, no matter the pressure, and people that surround me. O that I would be a faithful servant like Job.
3 And the Lord said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, who fears God and turns away from evil? He still holds fast his integrity, although you incited me against him to destroy him without reason.” 4 Then Satan answered the Lord and said, “Skin for skin! All that a man has he will give for his life. 9 Then his wife said to him, “Do you still hold fast your integrity? Curse God and die.” 10 But he said to her, “You speak as one of the foolish women would speak. Shall we receive good from God, and shall we not receive evil?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.