Friday, September 12, 2014

To sweet for pictures....

We have continued to spend day's at the orphanage....

I just love it!
I just adore the children!
I love the tias! They are as amazing and hard working as ever!
But I been simply reveling in the moments and forgetting to take pictures....
My heart can remember these moments so well, a photo just can't seem to capture what I see....

Sometimes I play with each child, I watch each one play, I get each one to smile and laugh, I pray for them and for their future forever family's! Each one is so dear, so precious, so perfect....Words just can't explain it!

The tears, the smiles, the joy or sadness that you see in their eyes...the healing or the pain...they are so real, so honest, so perfectly made in the image of God!

The last morning I was there, the tia that watches the babies had to take the youngest to the hospital so I watched the other two babies. The one was very, very fussy and I have no idea why! So I broke every rule in the orphanage book of rules and I held him (for a long time!), I bounced him, I hugged him and played with him and he finally fell I laid him down and he woke up awhile later just screaming so I picked him up and rocked him.....until he fell asleep....then I rocked until I fell asleep.....

So baby G and senorita Brianna slept on in the rocking chair....I'm not sure who was happier?...
It was one of those moments that I will never forget...the peaceful happy baby in my arms and the feelings of purpose and fulfillment. I know there is never anything else I will ever do that will be more important than this.

Father of the Fatherless and Protector of Widows is God in His holy habitation. 

My heart is growing sad as I count the days to go back home....but I look forward to the future and seeing how God is going to twine all of this into my future and what He has for me! I'm so excited! But first I need to write this I can write my I can get a good I can graduate.... and then....but wait, thankfully I don't have to wait to serve God and I know that he has many opportunity's for me to serve Him waiting at one step at a time.....

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