I desire to live my life for the One who Died for Me, where He leads me I want to follow with a surrendered and willing heart. This is my life changing journey of volunteering in Ecuador, the special miracle of Adoption, and my study abroad experience in Costa Rica.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Reflecting on 2013
Wow, I can't believe its already the very end of 2013. It has been one of the best and hardest years of my life. It has presented some of the biggest challenges but I have seen some of the greatest miracles. I think as every year draws to a close I have the tenancy to think.... this was the best year! Because no matter what happens in that year I can always see God's faithfulness and goodness. I realize that all the steps I take each and everyday contributes to the person I will be tomorrow, so no matter how easy or hard the step may be, God has a purpose and He is working in my heart and life and continues to draw me and change me and I don't ever want to go back... Time is short, life is fleeting. In many ways my life looks like its only beginning but then I know that tomorrow is promised to no man, so make today count. It could be your last. Will you be ready to meet your Maker if you die tonight? Are you ready to stand before God? Jesus Christ came to give us life, eternal life. He gave His life for us, so the very least we can do is spend our life for Him!? In a day where technology and social life bombards us on every side I so often stop and realize that I'm not being purposeful about making my life count for eternity. This life shall soon pass, only what is done for Christ shall last. God is so good and I'm so thankful for His faithfulness to me as I walk from day to day, I have had some pretty big things happen this year.... My first trip out of the the country, meeting some really amazing people and developing some amazing friendships, embarking on an adoption journey with my family, starting my first year of college and last but not least.... flipping my car... In each instance I can see Gods hand leading and guiding....He has a purpose, He has a plan. He changed my heart and life in Ecuador, He gave my friends and acquaintances that share my passions and desires, He has proven over and over again that He is the God of the impossible, He has changed my family and many others forever, He has proven that He ways and timing are perfect, He will provide the means and strength for His will to be accomplished and more often than not in ways I would have never believed possible! He certainly has kept me safe and well through it all and I hope and pray that my life will be testimony of His goodness and faithfulness.
I'm so humbled and deeply grateful that God would choose me to walk the path that He has placed me on, its so much more than I deserve. He has taken a sinful wretch and blessed me beyond compare. I'm thankful for each person that has touched my life this year, I know that so many have prayed for me and my family and I can never thank you enough because God has and is answering those prayers. I'm looking forward to 2014 and everything that God has in store. May the end of another year be a reminder to all of us that our time is shorter, life is a gift, use it wisely.
I have so enjoyed reading the year end emails and videos from different ministry's. I need the reminder that there is still more work to be done, I need to remember how blessed I am and how much for thankful I aught to be, I need to be reminded that God is working, souls are being saved, lives are being changed! As I have been challenged and blessed by these video updates I wanted to share a few videos with you...
Many of you will probably remember this orphanage that Natasha and I visited in the jungle...
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