Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thank You

One of those nights...well this summer has had some of the most stressful weeks of my life, and with school, a new job, and continued fundraising and adopting.....It's not over yet! But it just continually proves to me that His grace is sufficient and man plans BUT GOD, directs his steps. I know these two concepts yet they never cease to amaze me! Even six months ago, I never would have imagined the ways that God would provide or where He would have me be today, but by the grace of I am!

So as I collapsed into bed exhausted, suddenly my mind went reeling and sleep escaped me! I struggled and tossed and turned...then I gave up and started reading Courageous Faith, a book that I have to read for school, but that was no accident! God knew exactly what I would need...I read a couple of pages and ended with my arms reaching out to my Saviour, dropping all my burdens and cares and receiving the sweet peace that can only come from Him! This song came to mind....

I'm so thankful for a God who cares, a God who loves, and a God who is here. I'm so thankful He carries my burdens and struggles that would pull me under, He never leaves me or forsakes me. Truly what else can I say but thank you?

1 comment:

  1. Great post Brianna. I needed to read this. Brought tears to my eyes. I also love the song.
