Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sharing my heart....

Since I have been back home, one of my very favorite things to do is to share and talk about Ecuador and all that I experienced there and the amazing things I saw, and how God has worked in my heart and life through this trip. It has not been an easy adjustment back into life here. I have changed, my heart has changed, my perspective and my priorities. Some days are harder than others....(like yesterday! :) Everywhere I go, I see and think of these children.....they are so engraved on my heart! Last evening I went to my siblings homeschool group program and there are two adopted children, that brought me to the brink of tears many times throughout the night.... I kept seeing our own special "Miss A", and all the children who have not been so blessed as to have a family.

Some nights I just sit and look at pictures, and all the precious joys and times I had there come flooding back, other nights as I pray for them, my eyes fill with tears, when I hear people complaining about how they want to get more things, I silently cringe when I think of how much they have, when I walk into stores, I think of all the needs all the items could meet, when I sit down to eat I think of the children, and how much they would love the chunk of meat on my plate. The children, the places, the needs, the love I have for them...

Last Sunday I had the privilege of sharing with my church about my journey through Ecuador. I gave the super short version...If I really said everything I would like too, it would take hours and hours....It was such a blessing to share with my church family, they have prayed for me, supported me and walked with me on this journey. I have been so blessed by them and their love for me! I set up a table with items and pictures from Ecuador and it was so neat to see the children all crowding around looking, and asking questions about different places and people. I have so enjoyed sharing and talking with people!

If you are interested in hearing about my trip you can listen here but if you would like to talk to me  in person, I would love too! Just contact me, and I would love to share with you or a group. I have been so blessed by God, I want to share it with everyone I can!

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